Gagri Global IT services is having a team of executives who have good experience in developing applications on various platforms like SharePoint 2013/2010, Silverlight, net Framework 4.5 and Mobile tools.

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler;
namespace TaskSchedulerExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a new task definition and assign properties
TaskDefinition td = TaskService.Instance.NewTask();
td.RegistrationInfo.Description = "My scheduled task";
td.Triggers.Add(new TimeTrigger(new DateTime(2020, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0))); // Set the task to start at 8:00 AM on January 1, 2020
td.Actions.Add(new ExecAction("notepad.exe", "c:\\test.txt", null)); // Open test.txt in Notepad
// Register the task in the root folder
TaskService.Instance.RootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition(@"Test Task", td);
// Run the task immediately
TaskService.Instance.GetTask(@"Test Task").Run();


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